Selection strategies in horse breeding

VACEK, David, BRZÁKOVÁ, Michaela, VESELÁ, Zdeňka and ČÍTEK, J. Selection strategies in horse breeding. Jezdectví, 2023, vol. 71(září), p. 60-62. ISSN .
Internal link23158.pdf

Compared to other farm animal, the use of horses i sone of the largest, although recently they are most often used for racing and sport purposes. The goal of horse breeding can be defined as the intention to change an existing population in certain ways to make future populations more valuable. An option for improving the population is selection based on breeding values are used for jumping performance, locomotion, body conformation, health, longevity and fertility. In the Czech Republic, the first breeding valu efor jumping performance were estimated in 2000, and in 2014 a certified methodology for the prediction of breeding values for jumping performance was issud. Currently, breeding values in horse breeding are commonly used for jumping performance and linear description body conformation of horses