Breeding of dairy sheep in the Czech Republic

MILERSKI, M. & SCHMIDOVÁ, J. Šlechtění dojných plemen ovcí v České republice. In Farmářská výroba sýrů a kysaných mléčných výrobků XI.. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, 2015, s. 48-49.{INTLINK}
MILERSKI, Michal a SCHMIDOVÁ, Jitka., 2015 Breeding of dairy sheep in the Czech Republic. In Farmářská výroba sýrů a kysaných mléčných výrobků XI.. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 48-49. ISSN
Internal link15217.pdf

Performance recording in dairy sheep in the CR is based on ICAR recommendations. Milk production is tested in month intervals, alternately during the morning and evening milkings (AT method). Breeding values estimations are processed by TestDay BLUP method. Selection index (CPH) is based on litter size and production of milk fat and proteins in kg. Relative weights of breeding values for milk fat and proteins production in CPH index was in 2013 87% for Lacaune, 81% for Eastfriesianm and 79% in dairy synthetic line.