The self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic in milk and milk products output

KVAPILÍK, J. Soběstačnost v produkci mléka a mléčných výrobků. Náš chov, 2010, roč. 70, č. 6, s. 14-16.
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. The self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic in milk and milk products output. Náš chov, 2010, vol. 70(6), p. 14-16. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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In 2009, the self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic in raw milk output was about 102 % and in market milk and milk products about 86 %. The recent reduction of the self-sufficiency in this commodity can be mainly attributed to unfavourable and compared to the “old” EU countries inferior economic results of raw milk production including lower farmer milk prices, and the differences in direct payments among EU countries. The reduction of dependence on milk product supplies from abroad requires not only efficient dairy industry but also political support and comparable conditions within the EU.