Tests of growth intensity and carcass quality by sheep in the year 2010

PINĎÁK, A., MILERSKI, M. & BUCEK, P. Testy výkrmnosti a jatečné hodnoty ovcí v roce 2010. Náš chov, 2011, roč. 71, č. 4, s. 42-43.{INTLINK}
PINĎÁK, A., MILERSKI, Michal and BUCEK, P. Tests of growth intensity and carcass quality by sheep in the year 2010. Náš chov, 2011, vol. 71(4), p. 42-43. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link11035.pdf

Test of growth intensity and carcass quality is conducted every year on the progeny of 20 breeding rams. Evaluation of the growth intensity is based on the daily dains of the group of 10 lambs sired by one tasted ram. Cascass quality is examined on the group of 7 (minimum 5) slaughtered lambs. Dressing percentage, subjective assessment of conformation and carcass fatness according SEUROP system, leg proportion in %, proportion of meat in the leg in%, proportion of kidney fat in% and area of longest thoracic and lumbar muscle behind the last rib in cm2 are monitored.