Milk production in the eastern states of Germany

KVAPILÍK, J. Výroba mléka ve východních zemích Německa. Náš chov, 2013, roč. 73, č. 1, s. 17-19.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Milk production in the eastern states of Germany. Náš chov, 2013, vol. 73(1), p. 17-19. ISSN .
Internal link13019

This article deals with the most important knowledge of the annual meeting of dairy farmers from the eastern states of Germany. East German enterprises with breeding dairy cows (mostly in large stalls) are members of association Der Interessenverband Milcherzeuger eV. Primary goal of association is provide premises and documents to exchange experiences and promote their interests. Program’s annual meeting in 2012 has been focused on production and milk prices after quotas. From lectures and discussions showed that the period after 2015 does not exist neither in Germany revolutionary and conclusively positive solutions. Nevertheless on new situation prepared producers and processors. Important provisions in Germany are especially good long-term cooperation between producers and dairies, support milk production, preparation to price fluctuations, etc. Also was the agrarian-political forum Drugs and antibiotics in dairy production and follow excursion into three companies with the production of milk.