Awards by the Minister of Agriculture


On Thursday, August 22, 2019, the Prize for Extraordinary Achievements in Research and Development in the year 2019 was awarded to Zuzana Hroncová, Ph.D., Michaela Brzáková, M.Sc. and Jindřich Kvapilík, D.Sc.  from the Institute of Animal Science Uhříněves.  Awards for Young Researchers by the Minister of Agriculture: The first place in the Peer-Reviewed Article category […]

The Přeštice Black-Pied nucleus herd in Kostelec nad Orlicí


The Přeštice Black-Pied pigs have been reared on the swine farm in Kostelec nad Orlicí since 2009. It is a native Czech breed originating from West Bohemia, mainly from the submontane regions of Přeštice, Domažlice and Klatovy. The farm is involved in the program of genetic resources protection as a specialized workplace for cryopreservation of […]



     16 TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP KOSTELEC NAD ORLICÍ • VRBICE 24 -25 OCTOBER 2019   workshop 2019 invitation Registration deadlines and fees Deadline for registration and abstract submission: September 30th, 2019 Please, for your registration fill in application form E-mail for contact and abstract submission:   Conference fee: workshop 1000 CZK/40 € (students 750 CZK/30 €) social […]

Nomination in the best exhibit contest Gold Medal ANIMAL TECH


The Institute of Animal Science (IAS) participated in the ANIMAL TECH 2019 Gold Medal at ANIMAL TECH International Fair for Livestock Production. A total of 30 exhibits were entered for the competition. As the only research institute there, IAS registered two exhibits, namely the Carcass hanging pelvic hook and the Emission reducing air filter for […]

The appreciation for Eva Skrivanova Assoc. Prof. for the phenomenal presentation


Eva Skřivanová, Assoc. Prof. received award for her worthy oral prezentation „Antibacterial activity of plant oils rich in medium chain fatty acids and their possible interactions with antibiotics“ at the 8th International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures“, held during June 11 – 12 in Barcelona.

The Prize of Chairman of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation awarded to Professor Jaroslav Petr


Prime Minister Andrej Babiš awarded Professor Jaroslav Petr the Prize of Chairman of the Research, Development and Innovation Council (RVVI) for popularizing research, experimental development and innovation to. Professor has won the Prize for his work in biological and agricultural sciences. He has been bringing reproductive biology and genetics, including the cloning issues, closer to […]

International workshop Research in Pig Breeding


The 15th international workshop Research in Pig Breeding was held in a pleasant environment of the pension Pod Rozhlednou in Vrbice on 18th October, 2018. The workshop was arranged by the Department of Pig Breeding of IAS in Kostelec nad Orlicí.

Silver medal of the CULS for Prof. Luděk Bartoš


On the occasion of his jubilee, Prof. Ing. Luděk Bartoš, DrSc. was awarded the Silver Medal of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. The University’s commemorative medal is awarded by the rector to those who have greatly contributed to the development of the university, promotion of science, education or academic freedom.

IAS at the Researchers´ Night of the National Museum of Agriculture


The traditional event for the public, the Researchers´ Night, was held at the National Museum of Agriculture in Prague on Friday, 5th October, 2018. The mission of the event is to promote science and technology. The Department of Ethology had prepared a very interesting popularization program „Behavior under a Magnifying Glass or else Being an […]