Amino acid Composition in the Acorns of the Czech Quercus Robur and the Possibility of their Use as a Feed Source in a Mixture for Finishing Pigs of the Přeštice Black-Pied Breed
Year | 2021 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Download | 21254 |
Internal link | 21254.pdf |
Abstract | Acorns are a very important animal feed that has been used for thousands of years. Finishing pigs with acorns has recently become very popular due to the positive influence on the composition of meat. Improving the meat quality of pigs can be achieved, among other things, through the addition of appropriate amino acids, therefore we decided to determine amino acids composition of acorns Quercus robur commonly occurring in the Czech landscape and evaluate nutritive value of the acorns as a potential source of some amino acids. We designed a feed mixture containing 10 % dried acorns and verified its effect on fattening parameters in finishing pigs of the Přeštice Black-Pied breed. Q. robur acorns have a relatively low proportion of essential amino acids, but their addition to the mixture did not affect the fattening parameters in the experiment. It can be used as a good source of energy for fattening pigs, but it is necessary to monitor a sufficient proportion of essential amino acids in feed mixture. |
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