Biosecurity starts in human - focus on hand hygiene

NOVÁK, P., MALÁ, G. & TITTL, K. Biosecurity začíná u člověka - zaostřeno na hygienu rukou. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2012. Praha: Česká bioklimatologická společnost, 2012, s. 47-50.{INTLINK}
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela a TITTL, K., 2012 Biosecurity starts in human - focus on hand hygiene. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2012. Praha: Česká bioklimatologická společnost, s. 47-50. ISSN
Internal link12189.pdf

The paper is focused on analysis of the importance of hand hygiene as an integral part of the principles of good husbandry practices and farm biosecurity. Emphasis is placed on answering the basic questions: namely, when, how, where, why, who, what. Proper hand washing can save more human lives than vaccine or cure disease. If all people in the world wash their hands properly how they should it will prevent the transmission of many diseases as well as a huge number of airborne pathogens.