DNA methylation pattern in pig in vivo produced embryos

FULKA, J., FULKOVÁ, H., SLAVÍK, T., OKADA, K. & FULKA, Jr., J.. DNA methylation pattern in pig in vivo produced embryos. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2006, roč. 126, č. , s. 213-217.
FULKA, Josef, FULKA, Helena, SLAVÍK, T., OKADA, Konosuke and FULKA, Josef Jr. DNA methylation pattern in pig in vivo produced embryos. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2006, 126, 213-217. ISSN 0948-6143.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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DNA methylation pattern was evaluated in porcine in vivo produced embryos. The extensive DNA demethylation was observed in the paternal pronucleus whilst the maternal DNA remained methylated. The level of methylation remained high up to the morula stage.In the blastocysts with less than 100 cells, both the ICM and trophecoderm showed the same intensity of labeling. In more advanced blastocyst, the ICM cell are more methylated when compared to trophectodermal cells.