Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit. Part 3: Muscle Fibre Development

CHODOVÁ, D., TŮMOVÁ, E. & VOLEK, Z. Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit. Part 3: Muscle Fibre Development. In World Rabbit Congress. Egypt: Sharm El Sheikh, 2012, s. 625-628.{INTLINK}
CHODOVÁ, Darina, TŮMOVÁ, Eva a VOLEK, Zdeněk., 2012 Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit. Part 3: Muscle Fibre Development. In World Rabbit Congress. Egypt: Sharm El Sheikh, s. 625-628. ISSN
Internal link12163.pdf

Results showed that an intensive one week restriction after weaning did not influence loin weight and proportion of loin from carcass. Most of muscle fibres characteristics were affected by age rather than group.