Influence of selected factors to quality of silage maize

JIRMANOVÁ, J., FUKSA, P., HAKL, J. & LOUČKA, R. Faktory ovlivňující kvalitu píce kukuřice. In Aktuální témata v pícninářství a trávníkářství 2014. Praha: ČZU, 2014, s. 63-68.{INTLINK}
JIRMANOVÁ, J., FUKSA, P., HAKL, J. a LOUČKA, Radko., 2014 Influence of selected factors to quality of silage maize. In Aktuální témata v pícninářství a trávníkářství 2014. Praha: ČZU, s. 63-68. ISSN 978-80-213-2529-6
CathegoryEntries in proceedings
Internal link14142.pdf

Maize is an important energetic forage fodder, which is involved in feed ration of ruminants, mainly cattle, and form the basis of a year-round mixed ration. Experiment with silage maize was based in the spring 2013. Altogether 14 hybrids categorized according to FAO figures earliness (early, medium early and medium late), use (silage, grain, combined), type of grain (flint, dent and intermediate type), and the type of hybrid (stay green, continuously maturing and fast maturing) were sown. According to the results, FAO number significantly influenced the proportion of ears, fibre content and digestibility of NDF. Type of grains influenced the proportion of ears, digestibility of NDF and starch content. Used method influenced all evaluated parameters except the NDF content, while type of hybrid significantly did not affect any of the parameters. Broad generalization of the results is not possible due to their one-year period and relatively small size of experiment.