Fermentation and aerobic degradation of silage

LOUČKA, Radko., 2024 Fermentation and aerobic degradation of silage. In Prezentace na Workshopu v Humpolci 21.3.2024. : Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN
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Lecture at the seminar „Correct methods of conservation of silage and silage in pits“. It took place in Humpolec on March 21, 2024. Solved topics:
 Rate of fermentation acid formation, rate of pH reduction after pit closure, rate of silage acidification when using inoculants – difference between inoculated silage and spontaneous fermentation; temperature
 Fermentation losses, what are they caused by, as they are high, C02  Optimum acid content in finished silage and their significance
 Aerobic degradation – Risk factors on the wall of open silage
 Risk factors – Alcohols, molds (mycotoxins), yeasts, etc. Can alcohols form even in excellently compacted silage (anaerobic environment)?