Genomic breeding values for the foot and claw disorders in Holstein cattle including locomotion

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, KAŠNÁ, Eva, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KUČERA, J., FLEISCHER, P. and ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa. Genomic breeding values for the foot and claw disorders in Holstein cattle including locomotion. Výzkum v chovu skotu, 2022, vol. 64(3), p. 3-14. ISSN 0139-7265.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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Genomic breeding values for foot and claw disorders in Holstein cattle were calculated for 46,287 animals (infection claw diseases) and 22,688 animals (claw horn lesions) of Holstein cattle by a two-trait model, using locomotion as the second trait in the model. The evaluation was performed by a linear animal model with repeatability for the foot and claw disorders and without repeatability for locomotion, with the fixed-effects herd, year, calving season or scoring. A single-step method of genomic prediction was used. The heritability was low, 0.065 for infectious claw diseases, 0.052 for claw horn lesions and 0.111 for locomotion. The genetic correlations between locomotion and infectious claw diseases were -0.298, locomotion and claw horn lesions -0.459. When comparing the resulting breeding values for foot and claw disorders, genetic trends between single and two-trait models were found to follow the same pattern. The reliability of breeding values increased due to the two-trait model. Therefore, a two-trait model with locomotion seems appropriate for estimating breeding values of foot and claw disorders.