The evaluation of quality of silage hybrids by new national system

LOUČKA, R., JAMBOR, V., KUČERA, J., LANG, J., NEDĚLNÍK, J., TŘINÁCTÝ, J. & TYROLOVÁ, Y. Hodnocení kvality silážních hybridů novým systémem. Náš chov, 2013, roč. 73, č. 11, s. 64-68.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav, KUČERA, J., LANG, J., NEDĚLNÍK, J., TŘINÁCTÝ, Jiří a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. The evaluation of quality of silage hybrids by new national system. Náš chov, 2013, vol. 73(11), p. 64-68. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link13142.pdf

The 15 maize hybrids in the range of FAO 230-320 were grown in the localities of Troubsko and Prague-Uhříněves in form of exact small-plot field experiments. The individual hybrids were harvested approximately at the same level of maturity, with average dry matter of 32 ± 2 %. In the whole maize plant Dry matter. Starch, NDF and NDF digestibility in sacco incubated 24 hours (DNDF) were evaluated. The results of the analyses of the nutritional values (starch, NDF and DNDF) were significantly different between the localities (P