Classification of pig carcasses at present and after the admission to the EU
PULKRÁBEK, J., VÍTEK, M., VALIŠ, L. & WOLF, J.. Klasifikace jatečných těl prasat v současnosti a po vstupu do EU. Náš chov. 2004, roč. 64, č. 4, s. 38-41.
Year | 2004 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Internal link | 4280.pdf |
Abstract | The article describes new requirements for pig carcass classification in connection with the coming amendment of the Act No. 110/1997 and the relevant regulations. Among others it refers to the different method of carcass presentation. Due to this difference the authors recommend modifications of used price grids. The article also deals with utilisation and formation of new regression equations used for estimation of carcass lean meat proportion. These regressions are, similarly to the other EU countries, applied separately for each classification method. |
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