Ensiling preparations in the year 2004

TYROLOVÁ, Y.. Konzervanty do siláží v roce 2004. Krmivářství. 2004, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 23-33.
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Ensiling preparations in the year 2004. Krmivářství, 2004, vol. 8(2), p. 23-33. ISSN 1211-5681.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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There is information for agriculturals about all addition to silages on the Czech market. They are sold new chemical and biological-chemical preparations. Attention is given to aerobic stability. Some preparations contains bacterium Lactobacillus buchneri that is used for its ability to kept up aerobic stability. It is necessary to adhere basic technology rule for ensiling.