Measuring of PM10 and PM2,5 Dust Particle Fraction and Odour Concentration in Livestock Houses

KOSOVÁ, Martina, ZABLOUDILOVÁ, P., DOLEJŠ, Jan a ČESPIVA, M., 2009 Measuring of PM10 and PM2,5 Dust Particle Fraction and Odour Concentration in Livestock Houses. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2009. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústasv živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. 40-43. ISSN 978-80-7403-025-3
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There were carried out measurements in 4 piggery facilities, 3 broiler fattening stations and 5 calf rearing stations. To gravimetrically determine the dustiness there were used sampling pumping device Apex Pro, apparatus Microdust and laser analyzer Dusttrack. The method of dynamic olfactometry was used to determine concentrations of odour substances. The highest value of dustiness was measured in broiler fattening stations whereas the lowest recorded value was in calf rearing stations. Similar data we obtained also from the measurements of odour substances concentrations. Up to now performed measurements haven´t proved any dependence between emissions of dust particle fraction PM10 and PM2,5 and odour emissions by any of the monitored category of livestock respectively.