Modern principles in a dairy farm management

VACEK, M. Moderní postupy při řízení farmy dojnic. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Uhříněves: VÚŽV v.v.i., 2010, s. 10-15.{INTLINK}
VACEK, Mojmír., 2010 Modern principles in a dairy farm management. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chyšce. Uhříněves: VÚŽV v.v.i., s. 10-15. ISSN
Internal link10225.pdf

Profitability of milk production is significantly influenced by daily milk yield which related to the average length of lactations or calving intervals in cows in a dairy herd. Milk yield decreases in the end of lactation and income from milk is lower than costs for a „feeding day“. An extension of days open period is a consequence of negative energy balance (NEB) in cows during the first third of lactation. Therefore a restriction of NEB influence, consisting of a preservation of feed consumption and good health of Dairy cows, is for a profitability of milk production key point.