Newly to the amino acid nutrition of meat-type hens

SKŘIVAN, M. Nově k aminokyselinové výživě slepic masného typu. Krmivářství, 2014, roč. 18, č. 4, s. 15-17.{INTLINK}
SKŘIVAN, Miloš. Newly to the amino acid nutrition of meat-type hens. Krmivářství, 2014, vol. 18(4), p. 15-17. ISSN .
Internal link14120.pdf

Newly determined requirement of digestible amino acids for meat-type hens corresponds to the current performance. Especially for the total sulphur amino acids, lysine and isoleucine and tryptophan, the requirement is very different from the NRC standards. Even the hybrids are not the same as prior years, especially in terms of performance. Information about the negative effects of isoleucine and lysine excess are the benefits of the new research.