Nuclear transfer of freeze-dried somatic cells into enucleated sheep oocytes

LOI, P., MATZUKAWA, K., PTAK, G., NATAN, Y., FULKA, Jr., J. & ARAV, A.. Nuclear transfer of freeze-dried somatic cells into enucleated sheep oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2008, roč. 43, č. 2, s. 417-422.
LOI, P., MATZUKAWA, K., PTAK, G., NATAN, Y., FULKA, Josef Jr. and ARAV, A. Nuclear transfer of freeze-dried somatic cells into enucleated sheep oocytes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2008, 43, 417-422. ISSN 0936-6768.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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In our experiments we have tested the viability of freeze-dried somatic cell nuclei after their injection into enucleated sheep oocytes. Several modifications of lyophilisation were developed. We have demonstrated that approximately 16% of reconstructedembryos with lyophilised somatic cell nuclei developed at least up to blastocyst stage.