The estimation of milk production from maize hybrids

LOUČKA, R., JAMBOR, V., KUČERA, J., LANG, J., NEDĚLNÍK, J., TŘINÁCTÝ, J. & TYROLOVÁ, Y. Odhad produkce mléka z hybridů kukuřice. Náš chov, 2015, roč. 75, č. 3, s. 62-65.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav KUČERA, J., LANG, J., NEDĚLNÍK, J., TŘINÁCTÝ, Jiří a TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. The estimation of milk production from maize hybrids. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(3), p. 62-65. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link15021.pdf

The assessment of maize hybrids can be done by several criteria. The experiments of 2014 at Troubsko and Prague Uhříněves were aimed at comparing, in both localities, 16 hybrids with different early-ripening, different grain type and ripening ways (stay­-green), classified among silage or grain hybrids. Troubsko, as compared to Prague, found different (P