Sheep and goat grazing in protected areas

ŽÁKOVÁ, I. & BÍLEK, M.. Pastva ovcí a koz v chráněných územích. Metodika, Praha Uhříněves: VÚŽV, v.v.i., 2007, 33 s. 978-80-7403-001-7
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Sheep and goat grazing in protected areas. Authors: ŽÁKOVÁ, Irena and BÍLEK, Miloslav.. Česká republika. Metodika 978-80-7403-001-7. 2007-12-13.
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In this methodology, the specific findings and experiences with sheep and goats grazing in the maintenance of vegetation in particularly protected areas with ecologically restricted exploitation are stated. The specific working procedures and adaptationsof equipments at grazing sheep and goats in extreme environmental conditions of protected areas are first published.