Perspectives for improving the quality of silage

LOUČKA, Radko., 2022 Perspectives for improving the quality of silage. In Audiovizuální tvorba, Vývoj nových biologických a chemických silážních přípravků a jejich kombinací | ČTPZ ( Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. . ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
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It forms high-quality silages from permanent grasslands as well as annual fodder basis of bovine feed rations throughout the year. It is known for quality canned bulk feeds largely determines profitability milk production. Forage conservation by ensiling as technology is heading to adjust and extend the storage period of the feed without spontaneous and undesirable mechanical, biochemical and microbial changes.