causes of loss of the calves under four weeks of age

DOLEŽAL, O. & STANĚK, S. Příčiny ztrát telat do čtyř týdnů věku. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 8, s. 52-55.{INTLINK}
DOLEŽAL, Oldřich and STANĚK, Stanislav. causes of loss of the calves under four weeks of age. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(8), p. 52-55. ISSN .
Internal link12091.pdf

The calves losses till 4 weeks of age were evaluated at 175 farms in the Czech Republic. The most frequent consequences of losses are: diarrhoea, respiratory diseases, navel inflammation, bad sucking reflex etc. This article focused on describing and suggestions of breeding strategies at calves with week sucking reflex, navel inflammation and diarhoea. In the article 14 breeding principles and preventions against diarhoea at calves including calf feeding regime were described.