For breeder of meat-type hens and producers of mixed feed

SKŘIVAN, M. Pro chovatele slepic masného typu a výrobce krmných směsí. Drůbežář hydinár, 2014, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 4-8.{INTLINK}
SKŘIVAN, Miloš. For breeder of meat-type hens and producers of mixed feed. Drůbežář hydinár, 2014, vol. 8(1), p. 4-8. ISSN .
Internal link14140.pdf

This article aims to inform poultry public about the new findings that are associated with the results, hence with the efficiency of breeding. It is an specified need of digestible amino acids, the effect of hen age on egg yolk size, utilization of energy and heat production during incubation and finally the use of hall for chickens fattening as hatcher.