Technologies for Animal Breeding

GÁLIK, R., MIHINA, Š., BOĎO, Š., KNÍŽKOVÁ, I., KUNC, P. a další. Technika pre chov zvierat   Nitra: Slovenská poĺnohospodárska univerzita, 2015, s. ISBN 978-80-552-1407-8{INTLINK}
GÁLIK, R., MIHINA, Š., BOĎO, Š., KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana, KUNC, Petr. et all. Technologies for Animal Breeding. Nitra: Slovenská poĺnohospodárska univerzita, 2015, 253 p. ISBN 978-80-552-1407-8
CathegoryMonographs, brochures, book chapters
No. of pages253
Internal link15212.pdf

Modern academical publication in the field of farm animal breeding, which integrates the latest findings in field of technologies and innovative elements in the dimensions of the current agricultural needs.