Effectiveness of different ways of sanitation sheep stables

MALÁ, G. & NOVÁK, P. Účinnost různých způsobů asanace ovčínů. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2011. Praha: Česká bioklimatologická společnost, 2011, s. 59-61.{INTLINK}
MALÁ, Gabriela a NOVÁK, Pavel., 2011 Effectiveness of different ways of sanitation sheep stables. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2011. Praha: Česká bioklimatologická společnost, s. 59-61. ISSN
Internal link11188.pdf

Good hygiene Is an essential part of good housIng. The aIm of this study was to determine the level of microbial contamination of the internal surfaces and technological equipment in a different ways of sanitation of sheep stables. Microbial contamination of internal surfaces (wood, brickwork) and technological equipment (feeding trough, watering place) was detected in three sheep stables after moving of animals and after selecting one of three ways of sanitation (dry cleaning, foam cleaning + disinfection, dry cleaning + whitening). The total bacteria counts (TBC) were assessed in individual swaps from the surfaces. The obtained data was evaluated by methods of Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA using the Statistica software. The results showed that both dry cleaning and disinfection and whitening significantly reduce microbial contamination of surfaces internal structures cladding of objects for winter housing sheep and technological equipment in sheep stables.