Evaluation of starch and energy content in maize silages in Slovakia and Bohemia

RAJČÁKOVÁ, L., MLYNÁR, R., VRŠKOVÁ, M. & LOUČKA, R. Vyhodnotenie obsahu škrobu a energie v kukuřičných silážach na Slovensku a v Čechách. In X. Kábrtovy dietetické dny . Brno: VFU, 2013, s. 97-100.{INTLINK}
RAJČÁKOVÁ, L., MLYNÁR, R., VRŠKOVÁ, M. a LOUČKA, Radko., 2013 Evaluation of starch and energy content in maize silages in Slovakia and Bohemia. In X. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 97-100. ISSN
Internal link13053.pdf

The objective of our study was statistical evaluation of starch and energy content in maize silages in Slovakia and Bohemia during the years 2010 – 2012. We found out that average values do not differ much from each other. The average content of dry matter in SK was 349.4 g and in Bohemia it was 329.7 g, of starch in SK 314.3 and in Bohemia 325.8 g.kg“! dry matter. The average NEL concentration was equal in both countries, namely 6.3 MJ.kg“1 dry matter. However, when we divided silages into groups according to starch content we found out that there still occur shortcomings in practical conditions at farms, the maize for silage is not harvested in optimum vegetation phase. Greater reserves in harvest time of maize hybrids were noticed in SK.