Yield and quality of silage maize hybrids in an independent evaluation

NEDĚLNÍK, J., LANG, J., JAMBOR, V., LOUČKA, R., TŘINÁCTÝ, J., KUČERAS, J. & TYROLOVÁ, Y. Výnosy a kvalita silážní kukuřice v nezávislém hodnocení. Úroda, 2013, roč. 61, č. 6, s. 14-16.{INTLINK}
NEDĚLNÍK, Jan, LANG, Jaroslav, JAMBOR, Václav, LOUČKA, Radko, TŘINÁCTÝ, Jiří, KUČERA, Josef and TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Yield and quality of silage maize hybrids in an independent evaluation. Úroda, 2013, vol. 61(6), p. 14-16. ISSN 0139-6013.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link13080.pdf

The main objective of the project is to create a system of an independent evaluation of the maize hybrids used for the production of silage for animal feeding. In 2012, the maize hybrids were grown in the locality of Troubsko and Prague – Uhříněves by the form of precise small-field trials. The seed of maize hybrids was provided by ten companies in total. In both localities 38 hybrids used for the silage production were grown in the range of 230-310 FAO. For the comparison, two hybrids used for the grain production were also growned and monitored. The average dry matter content of forage maize was in Uhříněves 32.19 % and at Troubsko 32.85 %. Significant differences between the localities were found in the NDF digestibility (60.77 % in Uhříněves to 50.28 % in Troubsko). Based on these results, concentration of netto energy of lactation in the average value of hybrid maize was calculated (6.45 MJ/kg DM in Uhříněves and 6.13 MJ/kg DM in Troubsko).