Milk production and Cost of Artificial

KVAPILÍK, J. & BURDYCH, J. Výroba mléka a plemenářské výrobky. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 5, s. 27-30.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and BURDYCH, Jiří. Milk production and Cost of Artificial. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(5), p. 27-30. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link12043.pdf

Insemination in the group of 54 Czech dairy farm, in 2010 there were average breeding output achieved CZK 1360 (range from CZK 415 to CZK 2830) per cow and day, respectively CZK 0.19 (range from CZK 0.06 to CZK 0.42) per litre of delivered milk, which means 2.2 % (range from CZK 0.9 % to CZK 5.5 %) of total cost of delivered milk. Confirmatory relation was find out between breeding output and some figures like number of dairy cow in the herd, production costs per cow and year, per litre of delivered milk etc. Due to the lack of relevant confirmatory relation between breeding output and production figures (interval, conception, calf production per 100 cows, etc.) was not possible explicitly set down main determining factor of breeding cost level. Impact of cow fertility to the economical re¬sults of milk production is very significant, therefore breeding cost should be evaluated with each dairy farm targets and conditions.