Possibilities of utilization beef cattle breds in the Czech Republic for the crossing and the production of slaughter cattle.

BUREŠ, D. & BARTOŇ, L. Využití masných plemen chovaných v ČR pro křížení a produkci jatečného skotu. Metodika, Praha Uhříněves: VÚŽV v.v.i., 2010.
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Possibilities of utilization beef cattle breds in the Czech Republic for the crossing and the production of slaughter cattle.. Authors: BUREŠ, Daniel and BARTOŇ, Luděk.. Česká republika. Metodika 978-80-7403-070-3. 2010-12-09.
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The work is focused on the analysis of most widespread beef cattle breeds raised in the Czech Republic and their use for crossing and production of slaughter cattle. Is a guide for choosing the right beef cattle breed to individual farmers, producers and processors to their specific production system.