Herbal extracts in pig nutrition

VÁCLAVKOVÁ, E. & LUSTYKOVÁ, A. Využití rostlinných extraktů ve výživě prasat. Náš chov, 2013, roč. 73, č. 4, s. 60-62.{INTLINK}
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva and LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena. Herbal extracts in pig nutrition. Náš chov, 2013, vol. 73(4), p. 60-62. ISSN .
Internal link13035.pdf

Production of food with required nutritional value and organoleptic properties depends on high quality slaughter pigs production. It is affected by many factors. One of these factors is the using of natural substances, especially herbs. They are added to feed mixtures either in the form of dry parts of plant or in the form of extracts. Plants contain secondary metabolites with the specific biological effect. The effects of herbal extracts on health status and reproduction and production efficiency of piglets, breeding pigs and fattening pigs are described in this article.