General principles of hygiene in calf housing - washing or disinfecting?

MALÁ, G., NOVÁK, P., JIROUTOVÁ, P., KNÍŽEK, J. & PROCHÁZKA, D. Zásady hygieny ustájení telat - mýt či dezinfikovat?. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chýšce. Praha Uhříněves: VÚŽV v.v.i., 2013, s. 8-11.{INTLINK}
MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIROUTOVÁ, Pavlína, KNÍŽEK, Josef a PROCHÁZKA, David.., 2013 General principles of hygiene in calf housing - washing or disinfecting?. In Farmářský den ve Velké Chýšce. Praha Uhříněves: VÚŽV v.v.i., s. 8-11. ISSN
Internal link13150.pdf

The paper deal with the essential questions of calf housing hygiene: why respect the general hygiene principles of calf housing during the milk nutrition period, where great emphasis is placed on hygiene of rearing environment, and when to start with hygiene.There is compared the effect of low pressure and high pressure washing. The paper also describes the proper disinfection procedure, and what take into account in formation of disinfection procedure, and how is change the effectiveness of disinfection on depending the rearing system, or material of the calf hutches. Last but not least, there is shown the cost calculation of mechanical cleaning, foam cleaning and disinfection.