The Prize of Chairman of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation awarded to Professor Jaroslav Petr

Prime Minister Andrej Babiš awarded Professor Jaroslav Petr the Prize of Chairman of the Research, Development and Innovation Council (RVVI) for popularizing research, experimental development and innovation to. Professor has won the Prize for his work in biological and agricultural sciences. He has been bringing reproductive biology and genetics, including the cloning issues, closer to the public since the early 1990s.


Jaroslav Petr graduated from the Prague University of Agriculture, now the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. He pursues biotechnology and reproduction of livestock at the Animal Science Institute Prague-Uhříněves. He´s been promoting and popularizing science in the Czech Radio, Lidové noviny (The People´s Newspaper), and various magazines such as Respekt, Medical Tribune and Vesmír (The Space), in which he published 142 articles (according to Dvořák).

He is the author or co-author of the publications „Is Mad Cow Disease Still a Threat?!“, „Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture“, „Cloning: Threat or Hope? „, „Current Biodiversity Issues in the Context of Sustainable Development“. Currently (according to RVVI), he is finalizing a book on sensory perception in animals, whose preliminary title is „The Ten Senses“.






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