On Thursday, 29 June, the Institute of Animal Science (IAS) in Prague Uhříněves welcomed four Mongolian specialists, veterinarians, within the framework of the development cooperation project (Aid For Trade) „Mongolia: deepening the expertise of Mongolian veterinarians and assistance in establishing the first model veterinary rescue station“.
An introductory presentation on the activities of the IAS was given by the IAS Director Dr. Pavel Čermák. This was followed by a discussion on the topic of alternative feed crops suitable for cultivation in the climatic conditions of Mongolia, as well as the implementation of educational programs of IAS for children and youth.
At the IAS farm in Netluky, Mongolian specialists were introduced to modern principles of cattle and calf farming, feed, rotavirus diagnosis and instrumentation and measurement technology. They were introduced to the expertise and experience of the farm operation by Dr. Gabriela Malá and Veronika Paldusová.
The main objective of the project of development cooperation between the Czech Republic and the partner country is „Deepening the expertise of Mongolian veterinarians and assistance and transfer of know-how in the establishment of the first model veterinary station in Mongolia. The project is aimed at training Mongolian professional staff who will apply their skills for the benefit of farmers and herders.
Project is organised by the Veterinary Research Institute within the framework of the ongoing international collaborative project supported by the Aid for Trade programme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.