Modern trends in nutrition, rearing and biosecurity of dairy calves

ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, POBORSKÁ, Marie, MALÁ, Gabriela, NOVÁK, Pavel, ŠOCH, Miloslav and BROŽ, Petr. Modern trends in nutrition, rearing and biosecurity of dairy calves. České Budějovice: Zemědělská fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a Zemědělský svaz ČR - Česká technologická platforma pro zemědělství, 2021, 72 p. ISBN 978-80-7394-903-7
CathegoryMonographs, brochures, book chapters
No. of pages72
Internal link21280.pdf

An important prerequisite for maintaining the good health of calves is compliance with the basic principles of good husbandry practice. It is mainly a matter of ensuring an adequate level of calves‘ immunity, optimizing the breeding environment, nutrition and watering, but also minimizing stress. What is crucial, however, is colostrum management and postpartum care. In order to ensure the good health of young farm animals, in addition to good nutrition and hygiene, it is also necessary to strengthen the immune system so that the calf is able to resist germs in the stable environment, especially in the first days of life. For every newborn calf, early feeding with quality colostrum soon after birth is most important, as the placenta of the bovine is not permeable to immunoglobulins. An important part of the prevention of calf diseases is the optimization of nutrition and watering in order to positively influence the composition of the intestinal microbiome of calves. These basic preventive measures are one of the prerequisites for maintaining the good health of calves and at the same time reducing the use of antimicrobial substances, which at the same time reduces the risk of developing antimicrobial resistance. At present, therefore, the current issue of the possibility of supplementing the feed rations for calves with prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics and symbiotics is topical.