Support for the application of new methods of precision agriculture in the field of feed production and cattle feeding
Year | 2022 |
Cathegory | Methodologies and software |
Download | 22157 |
Internal link | 22157.pdf |
Abstract | The first part of the methodology describes the advantages and disadvantages of new precision livestock farming technologies (PLF, Precision Livestock Farming). The following is a description of the current state of the problem being solved. In the experimental part of the methodology, selected results of the investigated PLF methods in our projects are presented using examples: (1) image processing from a multispectral camera, (2) temperature evaluation from temperature sensors, (3) pH measurement in the rumen using boluses, (4) monitoring and evaluation of feed intake time and rumination time in dairy cows. In an agricultural enterprise that would fully apply the presented PLF methods, it would be possible to reduce production costs for 100 dairy cows by CZK 4,775,400, or increase their productivity by CZK 6,800,000 in 10 years. However, on the assumption that the current market and economic conditions would not change during that time. |
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