The case of wagyu or how Japanese cattle differ from other breeds

BARTOŇ, Luděk, BUREŠ, Daniel and LEBEDOVÁ, Nicole. The case of wagyu or how Japanese cattle differ from other breeds. Zpravodaj Českého svazu chovatelů masného skotu, 2024, vol. 31(březen), p. 50-53. ISSN .
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Japanese wagyu beef cattle are exceptional in many ways. The meat of fattened animals contains an amount of intramuscular fat that is several times higher than in other cattle breeds. This meets the requirements of the Japanese market and consumers, but it is gradually gaining reputation also in other parts of the world. The method of rearing and, in particular, fattening, is also out of the ordinary, especially as regards the unprecedented proportion of concentrates in the diet. The result is meat which, thanks to its qualities and exclusivity, is often sold at an extremely high price. The purpose of this article is to summarise the reasons for the exceptional nature of wagyu cattle and to compare their meat performance and meat quality with other commonly used beef cattle breeds.