Seminar on current problems in cattle nutrition, especially conservation of bulk fodder

LOUČKA, Radko a JAMBOR, Václav., 2018 Seminar on current problems in cattle nutrition, especially conservation of bulk fodder. In Uspořádání semináře 7.3.2018. Palačov: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a Nutrivet., s. . ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link18266.pdf

The program included the following contributions: New technologies for fodder harvesting and preservation, their specifics for the production of milk and biogas. Results of experiments using silage preparations for silage of lucerne and corn with different length and structure of the cut. Current problems in cattle breeding, especially when feeding with silage with short cut under 10 mm. Digestibility of maize silage made by classical and Shredlage technology. Use of the device HarvestLab at harvest forage.