Harvesting and preservation of legumes grown in two locations

LOUČKA, Radko, JANČÍK, Filip, HOMOLKA, Petr, JAMBOR, Václav a DOSTÁLOVÁ, Radmila., 2022 Harvesting and preservation of legumes grown in two locations. In Domácí luskoviny - ekonomicky a nutričně hodnotná krmiva. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 8. ISSN
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The main goal of the presented study was to compare selected varieties of creeping pea, cowpea and broad bean according to the composition of nutrients and suitability for harvesting for silage. From the ÚKZÚZ Methodology for utility value tests (ZUH), which is valid from 1 August 2019 and has been updated for the year 2022, information on the nutritional values of peas for ensiling purposes cannot be read. The methodology is intended for the study of the pea grain. Thus, the basis for zootechnicians and feed manufacturers remains the „VÚVZ Pohořelice feed catalog“ from 1995 (Zeman et al. 1995). In this catalog, peas are listed as silage with a dry matter content of 18%, or fiber content 22% and digestible nitrogenous substances 13% in dry matter. The starch content is not listed at all. These data are not applicable for the compilation of feed rations for high-performance dairy cows. It’s the same for bob.