The effect of restriction in pasture-raised chickens on performance and physical indicators of meat quality

ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela and SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra. The effect of restriction in pasture-raised chickens on performance and physical indicators of meat quality. Drůbežář hydinár, 2023, vol. 17(3), p. 36-39. ISSN .
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From the point of view of increasing the consumption of pasture vegetation by free-range chickens, it is advantageous to reduce the level of feeding of the common cereal mixed feed. However, an undesirable effect of the restriction is a decrease in the performance indicators. Therefore, it is important to find a compromise that will ensure an increase of pasture consumption by chickens and thus an increase in the quality of their meat through restrictions, but with a tolerable decrease in performance. In medium-growing Hubbard JA 757 cockerels, restriction of the cereal mixed feed by 20% was sufficient to increase the pasture vegetation intake by cockerels while achieving a live weight of 2663 g at 56 days of age.