Results of the solution of the project NAZV QK181137 in 2021

LOUČKA, Radko., 2022 Results of the solution of the project NAZV QK181137 in 2021. In Přednáška na workshopu, Mušov, 31.3.2022. Praha Uhříněves: VÚŽV, v.v.i., s. . ISSN
Internal link22050.pdf

Ing. Radko Loucka, CSc. presented the results of all eight activities of the project: Rapid screening of dry matter and nutritional values of fodder directly in the field. Use of spectroscopy in a comprehensive national evaluation system of maize hybrids. Evaluation of maize hybrids using new software and feed analysis database. Dosing of silage preparations for forage cutting directly on harvesting machines. Compilation and verification of a list of recommended maize hybrids. Monitoring the course and result of silage fermentation. Monitoring of meat processing intensity in the feed wagon. Detection of chewing and feed intake to prevent dietary problems in cattle.