Nutritional values of recommended pea varieties

LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav, DOSTÁLOVÁ, Radmila, JANČÍK, Filip, HOMOLKA, Petr and SYNKOVÁ, Hana. Nutritional values of recommended pea varieties. Náš chov, 2023, vol. 83(11), p. 54-56. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link23138.pdf

The aim of the paper was to compare 7 semi-leafl ess pea varieties and one leaf pea variety according to nutrient composition and suitability for harvesting for silage and grain. Field trials with pea varieties took place in 2022 and 2023 in the Šumperk locality. Semi-leafl ess pea varieties Gambit and Trendy were most suitable for ensiling. In the case of the Protin variety, due to the higher content of protein, a lower silageability can be assumed. Grain yields were the highest for the Saxon variety, the lowest for the Impuls variety. It has been confi rmed that the nutritional values of whole plants as well as pea grain yields are dependent on the development of the weather in a given year. Semi-leafl ess pea varieties, in contrast to leaf-type peas, had on average a lower content of protein and a higher content of starch in dry matter, but at the same time, they mostly had lower digestibility of organic matter and crude fiber.