Workshop Use of NIRS in situ devices in precision agriculture

LOUČKA, Radko a JAMBOR, Václav., 2021 Workshop Use of NIRS in situ devices in precision agriculture. In Uspořádání workshopu. Pohořelice: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i. a Nutrivet s.r.o., s. . ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link21046.pdf

The workshop „Use of NIRS in situ devices in precision agriculture“ for the project QK18180137 took place on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 in Pohořelice. The organization was undertaken by employees of NutriVet s.r.o., Pohořelice and the Research Institute of Animal Production, v.v.i., Prague-Uhříněves. The program was focused on the practical use of portable laboratories AgriNIR, X-NIR and HarvestLab. Participants were given books on silage. A total of 12 experts from practice took part.