Assessment of intestinal permeability in preruminant calves by lactulose/mannitol test

KLEIN, P., MORAVCOVÁ, J., KLEINOVÁ, T., VOLEK, Z. & SKŘIVANOVÁ, V.. Assessment of intestinal permeability in preruminant calves by lactulose/mannitol test. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2007, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 43-52.
KLEIN, Pavel, MORAVCOVÁ, J., KLEINOVÁ, Tereza, VOLEK, Zdeněk and. SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra. Assessment of intestinal permeability in preruminant calves by lactulose/mannitol test. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2007, 16, 43-52. ISSN 1230-1388.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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The aim of this study was to utilize the lactulose/mannitol test for assessment of intestinal permeability (IP) in preruminant calves. IP was increased experimentally by administration of Indomethacin. Both sugar markers were determined simultaneously assilyl-derivates in 5 h urinary production using the gas liquid chromatography technique. The index of IP was determined as the ratio between urinary recovery (%) lactulose and D-mannitol. The IP index in control calves was 0.2421. Results of this studyshow that ratio of lactulose to D-mannitol in urine reflected the treatment by the highest dose of Indomethacin and that the test may be used for determination of IP in preruminant calves.