Biosecurity program – an integral part of the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in farms

NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2023 Biosecurity program – an integral part of the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in farms. In Biosekurita – základ ochrany chovů před zavlečením původců infekčních chorob. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 4-6. ISSN
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The work is focused on the analysis of the level of biosecurity as an integral part of the principles of good breeding practice in farm animals, which is essential in the identification of risk factors associated with the use of antimicrobials. Strict adherence to the biosecurity principles and maintaining a high hygienic level of husbandry is an important prerequisite for maintaining good health and welfare of farmed animals. This subsequently leads to a reduction in the amount of antimicrobial substances used, and thus to limits the risk of the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance.