The influence of the level of prevention, prophylaxis and biosecurity on the spread of antimicrobial resistance on farms

NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela a PRÁŠEK, Josef., 2022 The influence of the level of prevention, prophylaxis and biosecurity on the spread of antimicrobial resistance on farms. In Sborník XIV. konference DDD 2022 - Přívorovy dny. Praha: Sdružení pracovníků dezinfekce, dezinsekce, deratizace ČR, z.s., s. 21. ISSN
Internal link22168.pdf

The most important step in preventing the development of antimicrobial resistance in livestock is to maintain good health in reared animals. At the same time, this not only reduces the amount of antibiotics used, but also creates the preconditions for achieving genetically given production and reproduction indicators of animals and thus the profitability of farm animal breeding. The increase in resistance of microorganisms in farm animals can be limited by the introduction of the principles of good breeding practice, the use of an effective vaccination program (prophylaxis) and compliance with the principles of biosecurity. Strict adherence to the principles of good breeding practice plays an important role in maintaining and gradually improving the health status of animals in breeding. The basis of these procedures is, first of all, to ensure an adequate level of juvenile immunity, optimization of the breeding environment, including minimization of animal stress, and adherence to the developed herd health plan. The basis of prophylaxis is the creation of a vaccination plan and the selection of vaccines suitable for use in a given farm, which must be based on a thorough analysis of the health status of the herd or flocks, including the identification of risks associated with the use of vaccines and regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the established vaccination schedule. An individual biosecurity plan is another effective tool for reducing the antibiotic use in livestock farming. Adherence to the principles of biosecurity significantly reduces the potential risk of infection penetrating the farm (animals, people, feed and water, means of transport, etc.) and its spread in the farm area (optimization of technological systems, creation of barriers, quality control of raw materials and products, etc.).