Pig Breeding

ROZKOT, Miroslav, BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava, BOUDNÝ, Jan, FRYDRYCHOVÁ, Soňa, KERNEROVÁ, Naděžda, LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena, MALÁ, Gabriela, NEVRKLA, Pavel, NOVÁK, Pavel, RUDINSKAYA, Tamara, SMOLA, Jiří and WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva. Pig Breeding. Praha: ProfiPress, 2023, 158 p. ISBN 978-80-88306-27-6
CathegoryMonographs, brochures, book chapters
No. of pages158
Internal link23199.pdf

The book is focused on pig breeding in a wide range and issues from pig domestication to the economics of this industry. The productivity of pigs reaches a high level. Modern farms reach over 35 reared piglets/sow/year, fattening gain of 1000 g/day and feed conversion of 2.5-2.8 kg. Professional agricultural farms ensure the production of pork according to the requirements of the processing industry and final consumers, they must respond to requirements in the fields of technology and welfare. Zoohygienic and veterinary aspects of pig farming are very important for food safety. All these areas are covered in the book.